"What We Have Been Waiting For"
Bulletin "https://faithlife.com/slccfaith/bulletins/94648933"
"What We Have Been Waiting For"
Acts 2:14-21
1) Remember ___ followers of ______ together and the ____ Spirit came ____ them.
Acts 2:14
2) The _________ would have been predominantly ____, there may have been some ________, but most were all Jews.
Acts 2:15
Acts 2:16
3) The exact time ____ wrote this is _________. The dates could be anywhere from ___ to ___ B.C.
Acts 2:17
4) The Holy Spirit is the third ______ of the _______, He was there at ________ and just like God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son, He ______ was.
Psalm 51:11
5) False teaching was a ______ then as it is now, God in His great ______ had this _______ down for ___________ to come.
6) Joel makes it _____ God will give ______ again for ___________ as to what is _________ or what is ahead.
Acts 2:18
7) If you are a _______ of _____ Christ then be _____ to be ____.
Acts 2:19-20
Acts 2:21